Workout with me
Workout at home or in the gym with expert in-app
guidance from celebrity trainer CJ Koegel.
$19.99 USD on a monthly plan
$119.94 USD on a yearly plan

Track your progress and plan your workouts
Weekly meal plan and shopping lists

Start my programs today
10-45 Minute Workouts
Choose from over 100 short and effective workouts that make finding time for exercise easy
Train Your Way
At home or in the gym – choose a workout that fits your preferred training style
Become More Confident
Koegel Fitness has helped thousands of people to become stronger, fitter, and more confident

Personal Training
45-60 Minute Live Zoom Workouts
1 on 1 workouts help correct your form and keep you accountable
Your Home, Your Gym
At home workouts customized to fit your preferred training style in the comfort your home
Reach Your Goals
CJ Koegel has helped thousands of people to become stronger, fitter, and more confident! It’s your turn!
Custom built workouts for your specific goals
Workout Customized For Your Needs
If you have specific injuries, or limitations, this plan is for you
Your Home, Your Gym
After an in-depth consultation, your at home workouts will be customized to fit your preferred training style, so you can workout at home or the gym
Reach Your Goals
I will keep you accountable and wish you a happy birthday with two way messaging 🙂

Over the past decade as a Wilhelmina model, trainer, author, and expert contributor, I have worked with the most amazing people and fitness brands such as Nike, Under Armour, Reebok, Apple, Adidas, FILA, and many more. Being featured in over 1,000 publications has helped me realize when people have fun with fitness, they want to workout more! I look forward to training with you!